It is the goal of the proposed Web Services Description Language ( WSDL) to describe services at a functional level. 这个被提议的Web服务描述语言(WSDL)的目标是在功能级别上描述服务。
The goal of the Method Sketch is to help the team identity candidate Method Elements and some of their relationships, and to propose an early description for some of the key elements. 方法纲要的目标是帮助团队鉴定候选方法元素和它们之间的一些关系,并为一些关键元素做出初始的描述。
The intent of this article is not to give an in-depth discussion of the optimization goal settings, but a brief description may be useful to some readers. 本文的目的不是对优化目标的设置进行深入的讨论,但是对此作一个简要的描述可能对某些读者有用。
Remember the goal behind templating systems: separate the dynamic parts of a document from its static description. 请记住,模板系统的目标是将文档的动态部分与其静态部分分离。
A mediation service can either be a goal or a service description. 一个仲裁服务可以是目标描述也可以是服务描述。
Goal description is used to discover a corresponding Web Service. 目标描述被用来发现相应的Web服务。
The goal description for both is that the students can communicate freely and confidently with the native speakers but the demand is different. 答:在英语要求方面,两条龙都提出要使学生做到“与外国人交谈对答如流”,但程度有所不同。
The background, goal, user model and user requirement of MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework Standard is introduced in this paper, and it expounds the main content and key technology of MPEG-21, especially Digital Item Declaration and Digital Item Identification& Description. 文章介绍MPEG-21多媒体框架标准的背景、目的、用户模型及用户需求,并进一步阐述MPEG-21的主要内容和关键技术,其中着重讲述数字项声明、数字项的识别与描述等重要技术。
By use of time-domain, frequency-domain methods, the characters of welding signals have been analyzed, the goal of which was to find a certain pattern of description of welding process from signal aspect. 利用时域、频域及时频域分析方法对焊接信号进行特征分析,试图从信号的角度寻找对焊接过程的描述。
Goal Description Language for Web Service Automatic Composition 面向Web服务自动集成的目标描述语言
The Semantic Web uses a multi-level framework to achieve its goal. Ontology locates in the level from textual description to knowledge-based reasoning. 为了将目前无序的Web改造成有序的计算机可理解的知识宝库,语义Web采用多层次的表示框架,本体位于从文档描述到知识推理转折的层次,因此本体的构建是实现语义Web的关键环节。
It's a great goal of modern development, a vivid description of a special stage in the socialism development, a concept of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a highly generalization of Chinese people's great ambition. 它是作为一种现代化发展目标来认识,是对社会主义进程中的一个特定阶段发展状态的形象描述,是体现中国特色社会主义性质的概念,是展现中华民族雄心壮志的集中概括。
The goal of RDF is to implementing sematic description of web resources. 它被设计出来的主要目的是实现Web上信息资源的语义描述。
This thesis tries to translate scenario description into goal description, then to guarantee correctness and completement of scenario description by guaranteeing correctness and completement of goal. 本文希望将场景描述转化为目标描述,然后通过保证目标的完整性和一致性来保证场景描述的完整性和一致性。
The main goal of the paper is the research of user interface of MIS development system, it gives a description of the implementation of the front system, the user interface of front system based on XML and the building of XML document used for the back system. 本论文的主要任务是研究基于XML的MIS开发系统的前端应用,介绍了系统前端的功能实现;基于XML的前端用户界面的表达、描述:与后台交互的XML文档的创建。
The study on the Cleaner Production Assessment Index System in Taiyuan City consists of goal and significance of the Assessment Index System, basic principles, major content of the system, and description of assessment index value assignment. 太原市清洁生产评价指标体系研究的内容包括制定指标体系的目的意义、基本原则、指标体系的主要内容三个部分。
The goal of the research is to reveal that the writers 'subjective factors constrain the western image' imagination and description. 其意义在于揭示作家的主观性因素对其想象和描述西方的制约性存在。
The goal and requirement of scheduling management platform has been summarized. A platform framework has been built. The process and main function of platform has been analysed. An use case description has been carried out based on UML ( Unified Modeling Language). 总结了调度管理平台的目标和需求,构建了平台的框架,分析了平台的流程和功能,基于UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)对平台进行了用例描述,设计了调度管理平台的体系结构。
Second, after knowing the clear goal of this study, we elaborate the rationality and necessity of the existence of SMEs from the economic perspective. It also gave a detailed description of the importance of financing for SMEs. 其次,在明确了研究目标后,本文从经济学角度阐述了中小企业存在的合理性和必然性,详尽的描述了研究中小企业融资问题的重要意义。
Semantic web services are the integration of web services and semantic with the goal that it can be understood by the machine through the web service description to support the service discovery, selection, and composition automatically. 语义Web服务是Web服务和语义结合的产物,它的目标是通过对Web服务进行语义描述,使其为机器可以理解的内容,从而支持服务查找、选择、组合等操作的自动化。
Firstly, the fine granularity scalable ( FGS) coding is chosen as the primary research goal. Secondly, the interleaving-based video multiple description coding ( MDC) of hybrid coder is studied. 论文首先把精细粒度分级编码(FGS)作为研究的重点,其次,将以混合编码为对象,研究基于交织的多描述视频编码,最后,对视频编码的后处理技术进行研究。
But there are also some disadvantages, such as the general goal is too high; parts of the goals are hard on resources; the structure remains to be modified; the description is absurd, etc. 但同样也存在一些缺陷和不足,诸如总体目标过高、部分目标对资源要求较为苛刻、结构尚需完善、语言描述含混笼统等等。
First of all it introduces the integral goal and function environment of the system. Then it gives a detailed description of the specific function and property demand of 3 types of clients in the system client-site. 首先介绍系统的整体目标和运行环境,然后重点详细的描述系统客户端的三类用户的具体需求包括功能需求和性能需求,接着对系统开发中的设计部分进行了充分的描述。